He has been the head of the Department of Marketing Strategies for many years. He currently works at the Department of International Trade at Poznań University of Economics. Professor in the Department of Organization and Management at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Poznań University of Medical Sciences. An outstanding expert in marketing strategies. Graduate of Poznań University of Economics.
Author of about 800 scientific publications, including about 400 in the field of marketing, trade, buyers' behavior. He is a highly respected lecturer in marketing, marketing strategies, pharmaceutical marketing, sports marketing, negotiations at full-time, post-graduate and MBA studies.
Prof. dr hab. Mruk is a member of several learned societies, program boards of several journals and the chairman of the Acanthus Aureus Chapter at Poznań International Fair. He is extremely experienced in business practice. He sat in the supervisory boards of such companies: "Jedynka", "Astra", "Delecta", "Emax S. A." for many years.